The best and most accurate way to find your ring size is to be in sized in person by your local jeweler or jewelry store.
If you are located In Bozeman, MT sasa can personally size you. Or you can purchase a ring sizer here.
Please note that if you purchase the wrong size there is a $50-$150 resizing fee that does not include shipping costs.
*Naz styles are not resizable*
Ring sizing is a highly personal process. Some prefer a tighter fit, while others want more movement on the finger. This may sound tricky, but you can't do it wrong! Just got with what feels right.
Pro ring sizing tip: Use the ring sizer at several different times throughout the day. Fingers fluctuate depending on weather, diet, and activity level. When in doubt follow the Goldilocks philosophy and measure your finger when you aren't too hot or too cold, and too hungry or too full.
Still confused? We are happy to assist in the process and send over a short video guide.
Email us at info@sasafine.com for help finding your perfect ring sizes.